Orchestra of the Florence May Festival
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Chorus of the Florence May Festival《Il travatore: Act II, "Soli or siamo"》[Mp3]
Gianandrea Gavazzeni&Chorus of the Florence May Festival&Orchestra of the Florence May Festival《Come Paride Vezzoso - Belcore (Act One)》[Mp3]
Gianandrea Gavazzeni&Chorus of the Florence May Festival&Orchestra of the Florence May Festival《Quanto e Bella, Quanto e Cara! - Nemorino (Act One)》[Mp3]
Gianandrea Gavazzeni&Chorus of the Florence May Festival&Orchestra of the Florence May Festival《Benedette Queste Carte! - Adina (Act One)》[Mp3]
Gianandrea Gavazzeni&Chorus of the Florence May Festival&Orchestra of the Florence May Festival《Lallarallara la la la - Nemorino (Act One)》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Theo Adam《Einstein: Act III, "Ich, Herr Hans Wurst, habe aus meinem Fall", (Hans Wurst)》[Mp3]
Theo Adam&Orchestra of the Florence May Festival《Act I, "Es ist gut, daß es finster ist",》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Chorus of the Florence May Festival《Il travatore: Act II, "Mal reggendo all'aspro assalto"》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Chorus of the Florence May Festival《Il travatore: Act III, "In braccio al mio rival"》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Chorus of the Florence May Festival《Il travatore: Act IV, "Miserere d'un'alma già vicina"》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Chorus of the Florence May Festival《Il travatore: Act IV, "Parlar non vuoi?"》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Chorus of the Florence May Festival《Il travatore: Act IV, "Madre, non dormi?"》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Chorus of the Florence May Festival《Il travatore: Act I, "Che più t'arresti?"》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Chorus of the Florence May Festival《Il travatore: Act IV, "Che!…non m'inganna quel fioco lume?"》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival《Il travatore: Act II, "Non son tuo figlio!"》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Chorus of the Florence May Festival《Il travatore: Act IV, "A te davanti!"》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Theo Adam《Einstein: Act II, "Ten…nine…eight…seven",》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival《Einstein: Act II, "Durchsuchland ist hin",》[Mp3]
Gianandrea Gavazzeni&Chorus of the Florence May Festival&Orchestra of the Florence May Festival《Cantiamo, Facciam Brindisi - Chorus (Act Two)》[Mp3]
Gianandrea Gavazzeni&Chorus of the Florence May Festival&Orchestra of the Florence May Festival《La Nina Gondoliera, e Il Senator Tredenti - Dulcamara, Adina, Chorus (Act Two)》[Mp3]
Gianandrea Gavazzeni&Chorus of the Florence May Festival&Orchestra of the Florence May Festival《Prendi; Per Me Sei Libero... - Nemorino (Act Two)》[Mp3]
Gianandrea Gavazzeni&Chorus of the Florence May Festival&Orchestra of the Florence May Festival《Ei Corregge Ogni Difetto... - Dulcamara, Tutti (Act Two)》[Mp3]
Gianandrea Gavazzeni&Chorus of the Florence May Festival&Orchestra of the Florence May Festival《Dell'elisir Mirabile... - Nemorino (Act Two)》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Chorus of the Florence May Festival《Il travatore: Act IV, "D'amor sull'ali rosee"》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Theo Adam《Einstein: Act III, "Ich, Herr Hans Wurst, habe aus meinem Fall",》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Chorus of the Florence May Festival《Il travatore: Act II, "Tutto è deserto"》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Theo Adam《Act I, "Die brüllen mir ist übel",》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Theo Adam《Einstein: Act II, "Ich bin beschimpft und verspottet worden",》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Theo Adam《Einstein: Act III, "Und ich werde nicht mehr sehen",》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Theo Adam《Act I, "Mein Name is E. Treu",》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Theo Adam《Einstein: Act II, "Welche Arbeit werden wir tun",》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Theo Adam《Einstein: Act III, "Ich halts nicht aus",》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Chorus of the Florence May Festival《Il travatore: Act I, "Di due figli vivea padre beato"》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Chorus of the Florence May Festival《Il travatore: Act I, "Di tale amore, che dirsi"》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Chorus of the Florence May Festival《Il travatore: Act IV, "Mira di acerbe lagrime"》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Chorus of the Florence May Festival《Il travatore: Act IV, "Si, la stanchezza m'opprime, o figlio"》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Chorus of the Florence May Festival《Il travatore: Act IV, "Ti scosta!...Non respingermi!"》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Theo Adam《Einstein: Act II, "Ich bin beschimpft und verspottet worden", (Black G.I.'s Technicians, Einstein & Chorus)》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Theo Adam《Einstein: Act II, "Cities consumed, forests set on fire", (Einstein, Policeman, Hans Wurst & Crocodile)》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Theo Adam《Einstein: Act III, "Prost!...Prost!", (Galileo, Bruno & Da Vinci)》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Chorus of the Florence May Festival《Il travatore: Act II, "Ah! se l'error t'ingombra"》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Chorus of the Florence May Festival《Il travatore: Act III, "Squilli, echeggi la tromba guerriera"》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Chorus of the Florence May Festival《Il travatore: Act III, "Di quella pira"》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Theo Adam《Einstein: Act II, "Zwischen mir und dem Krieg is der Erdkern", (Einstein)》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Theo Adam《Einstein: Act II, "Da! dort! das Flugzeug! die Deutschen!", (Young Physicist, Einstein, Policeman, A Great Voice & President)》[Mp3]
Gianandrea Gavazzeni&Chorus of the Florence May Festival&Orchestra of the Florence May Festival《Or Se M'ami, Com'io T'amo... - Belcore (Act One)》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Chorus of the Florence May Festival《Il travatore: Act I, "Tace la notte!"》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival《Il travatore: Act II, "E deggio e posso crederlo?"》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Chorus of the Florence May Festival《Il travatore: Act III, "Or co' dadi, ma fra poco"》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Chorus of the Florence May Festival《Il travatore: Act III, "Ah sì, ben mio"》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Chorus of the Florence May Festival《Il travatore: Act IV, "Prima che d'altri vivere"》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Theo Adam《Act I, "Die Physiker", (Adjutant, The Führer, First Messenger, Old Physicist & Young Physicist)》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Theo Adam《Act I, "Mein Name is E. Treu", (Crocodile, Policeman & Hans Wurst)》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Theo Adam《Einstein: Act II, "Ein Herr aus Deutschland", (Black Woman, Einstein, Young Physicist, Senators, Galileo, Bruno & Da Vinci)》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Theo Adam《Einstein: Act II, "Ich bin entschlossen", (Einstein, Young Physicist & Policeman)》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Theo Adam《Einstein: Act II, "Welche Arbeit werden wir tun", (Women Workers, Young Physicist & Old Physicist)》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Theo Adam《Einstein: Act III, "Nieder! Nieder! Nieder mit dem Weltende", (Chorus, Casanova, Girls, Old Physicist & Young Physicist)》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Theo Adam《Einstein: Act III, "Wir haben Gericht zu halten", (Policeman, Old Physicist, Young Physicist & Einstein)》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Theo Adam《Act I, "Es ist was Entsetzliches passiert", (Hans Wurst, Chorus, Thin Woman, Fat Woman, Young Man, Young Woman, Young Physicist 》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Theo Adam《Act I, "Hier saß ich oft in der Frühe", (Einstein, Young Physicist & Old Physicist)》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Theo Adam《Einstein: Act III, "Ich halts nicht aus", (Young Physicist, Einstein & Black Woman)》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Theo Adam《Einstein: Act III, "Und ich werde nicht mehr sehen", (Einstein, Black Woman & Young Man)》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Chorus of the Florence May Festival《Il travatore: Act II, "Stride la vampa!"》[Mp3]
Orchestra of the Florence May Festival&Chorus of the Florence May Festival《Il travatore: Act IV, "Udiste? Come albeggi"》[Mp3]
Gianandrea Gavazzeni&Chorus of the Florence May Festival&Orchestra of the Florence May Festival《Udite, Udite, O Rustici - Dulcamara (Act One)》[Mp3]
Gianandrea Gavazzeni&Chorus of the Florence May Festival&Orchestra of the Florence May Festival《Andiam, Belcore, Si Avverta Il Notaro - Adina (Act One)》[Mp3]
Gianandrea Gavazzeni&Chorus of the Florence May Festival&Orchestra of the Florence May Festival《La Donna e un Animale... - Belcore (Act Two)》[Mp3]
Ruggiero Leoncavallo&Riccardo Muti&Orchestra of the Florence May Festival《INTERMEZZO (Act One)》[Mp3]