

What warms the blood of Wado, who now lives in the endless summer of Alagoas, is how the peripheries of the world have built new music through almost anything raw. Transforming raw art home studio, with cheap microphones and little technical knowledge, but with great urgency, energy and Ghana. \r \r The subversion is not the aesthetics of punk, tame and sweet in love songs. What gives voice to the voiceless today are rhythms such as funk, reggaeton and bahia afoxés. Wado was drinking these gimmicks from the periphery to build the aesthetics of their new album, Third World Festival. \r \r Are the third-world rhythms that permeate this new disc that also brings world references like the beat of Timbaland, Pharrell and MIA The disc is a tour led by new, and African American and also a return to brevity of speech of their first albums. \r \r \r The Beginning; In Brazil; In Europe: \r \r In 2001 Wado released his first CD and draws the attention of Brazilians to the new generation of composers who make "music smart" as well says the journalist Pedro Alexandre Sanches relating to the newspaper Folha de São Paulo.

