

EVADE是来自澳门的乐队,音乐风格以电子音乐为主,融合了Electronic、Dream-Pop以及Dub音乐的风格。成员包括Sonia Ka Ian Lao、Faye Choi、Brandon Lamn和Lobo Ip。 2009年于澳门音乐厂牌4daz-le Records出版首张唱片"EVADE EP"。 2012年于新加坡音乐厂牌Kitchen. Label出版专辑《Destroy & Dream》("毁灭与梦")。当中收录12首作品,包括3首由日本电子音乐人Okamotonoriaki、FJORDNE和Serph制作的Remix混音作品。 2020年和2022年,EVADE亦分别于音乐厂牌4daz-le Records出版专辑《Science & Dream》("科学与梦")以及Remix合辑《Science & Dream Remixed》。 EVADE的专辑在澳门、香港、台湾、上海、新加坡、日本、韩国、美国、英国及加拿大等地发售,获各地听众和媒体的广泛好评。包括:英国Norman Records的5星满分评价、英国"Fluid Radio"的"CD of the Week"、日本东京Tower Records唱片店的推荐销售专辑、德国音乐网站"hhv.de mag"、加拿大音乐网站"Textura"、日本音乐网站"ELE-KING"、台湾"gigs摇滚志"等媒体的高度评价,香港杂志"Milk"的专访报导等。 此外EVADE的专辑亦收录于日本音乐学术书藉”TECHNO definitive 1963-2013”的介绍内。一曲“寻找佛洛依德的虚无飘渺“亦获英国音乐杂志"The Wire"的专属电台节目播放及推荐。 EVADE的现场演出使用跨媒体形式,结合音乐与影像,获得各地观众的良好评价。曾应邀出席日本(东京、京都)、新加坡、马来西亚、广州、深圳、香港等地的演出。 EVADE is a band from Macau, music style combines Electronic, Dream-Pop and Dub music. Members include Sonia Ka Ian Lao, Faye Choi, Lobo Ip and Brandon Lamn. In September 2009, the first album "EVADE EP" was released, which was published by the Macau music label “4daz-le Records”. In June 2012, EVADE released the album - "Destroy & Dream", which was published by the Singaporean music label “Kitchen.Label”. It contains 12 tracks, including 3 remixes produced by Japanese musicians Okamotoriaki, FJORDNE and Serph. In 2020 and 2022, EVADE published the albums "Science & Dream" and "Science & Dream Remixed" on Macau music label “4daz-le Records”. EVADE's album has been widely praised by the audience and media, including: 5-star full-score evaluation by Norman Records (UK), "CD of the Week" by "Fluid Radio" (UK) , “recommended album” in Tower Records (Tokyo, Japan) , music website: "hhv.de ​​mag" (Germany), "Textura" (Canada) and "ELE-KING" (Japan). "gigs Rock Journal” magazine(Taiwan), "Milk” Magazine (Hong Kong) and exclusive radio program of music magazine "The Wire" (UK), etc. EVADE has been invited to attend live performances in Tokyo, Kyoto, Singapore, Malaysia, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hong Kong.


