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Salvatore Accardo

萨尔瓦多里 阿卡尔多(Salvatore Accardo)是现代着名意大利小提琴家。六岁开始学小提琴,1958年参加了第四届帕格尼尼国际小提琴比赛荣获第一,从此一举成名。此后在那不勒斯的圣彼得音乐学院任教。他组织了都灵室内乐团并亲任指挥。后在欧洲、美国、南非及远东与世界驰名的交响乐团合作举行音乐会。他的演奏辉煌而富有歌唱性,具有精湛的小提琴演奏技巧,感情丰富,有异乎寻常的音乐感,能使听众深深着迷。其拿手的演奏曲目是帕格尼尼的小提琴曲,以及巴赫、维瓦尔第与塔蒂尼等古典作曲家的作品,近年来他的演奏曲目不断扩大。是当前世界上最活跃的小提琴家之一。 Salvatore Accardo is an outstanding Italian violin virtuoso, best known as a master of the works of Niccolò Paganini, but equally accomplished across a wide variety of repertory for the instrument. His playing is characterized by a taut, visceral tone and a disciplined musical approach that avoids self-indulgence. Having also established himself as a successful conductor, chamber musician, and teacher, Accardo may be considered one of the most accomplished and influential musicians of his generation.Accardo was born in the northern Italian town of Turin, but as a teenager he went to Naples to study violin at the Conservatorio di San Pietro a Majella; it was there, at the age of 13, that he gave his first performance of the devilish Caprices of Paganini, beginning a lifelong association with that music. He later studied in Siena, at the Accademia Musicale Chigiana. After winning the 1956 Geneva Competition and the 1958 Paganini Competition in Genoa, Accardo began a performing career that has kept him busy ever since, both as a soloist with major orchestras and as a recitalist. His repertory includes all of the violin music of Paganini, the solo partitas of J.S. Bach, virtually every mainstream violin concerto from the Classical, Romantic, and Modern eras, and a number of contemporary works. Works composed specifically for Accardo include Walter Piston's Fantasia for violin and orchestra, Iannis Xenakis' Dikhthas, and Franco Donatoni's Argot. The most notable entries in Accardo's extensive discography include his complete cycle of Paganini concertos (the first of its kind), Max Bruch's complete music for violin and orchestra, and the complete sonatas and partitas of Bach.In 1968, he founded the Italian Chamber Orchestra and became its first conductor. He later conducted the ensemble I Musici, and in 1994 he was appointed conductor of the Orchestra del Teatro San Carlo in Naples. He is a founding member of the Accardo String Quartet and of the Walter Stauffer Academy, where he routinely gives master classes, and also of the Cremona Academy for string players. In 1987, he published a book, L'arte del violino.
