Courtney Jaye
出生美国宾州的Courtney,求学时期受到嬉皮年代所释放出的独特魅力驱使,对於音乐的文化影响力,开始有著浓厚兴趣,发现从音乐中可以全然感受无拘束的自由感,直到遭受身边挚友过世的打击,让她认真面对创作音乐之课题,藉由实际创作发表,换化内心喜怒哀乐多样情绪。Courtney毕业后,决定展开旅行生涯,一方面感受各地域音乐民情文化,一方面详细写下当时心境转变,为自己的音乐世界画出更为多彩的鲜亮色调。喜爱冲浪的她,不时享受阳光、海浪的洗礼,更在每一个待上不久的地方,留下一道道深刻足迹。Courtney曾经疯狂著迷於地下独立摇滚才女Ani DiFranco毫不跟主流大厂妥协、自由随性发表音乐创作专辑、完全洒脱的酷派性格,然而最具个人特色的外貌造型也让Courtney与之效法,将她一头亮丽长发剃成光头,这时她也慢慢惊觉到,若是没办法诚实做自己,只是跟随别人的影子走,永远不会加宽自己的格局,走出属于自己的味道。 \r \r \r 藉由工作伙伴Gal Asher的鼓励,Courtney的创作歌曲受到主流大厂喜爱,集结多年来旅游心情写照,创作出这张处女秀【Travling Light】。首支主打呈现如Sheryl Crow的"Soak Up The Sun"轻松自若曲调,踩著快意步伐挺进排行各榜,引发乐迷高度询问度之先攻之作"Can’t Behave";微微凉意的吉他声线,不断藉由"Mental"颇具起伏之情绪,蔓延出一股轻易动容的声音共鸣;与同样是创作才女并且拥有个人专辑的Michelle Lewis共谱之同名单曲"Traveling Light",些许乡村声韵搭配Courtney甜而不腻的嗓音,调和出毫无压力的音乐触感;"Hanalei Road"则惊喜邀来蓝调乐派之传奇性人物Taj Mahal 献声合唱;推荐曲目"Can You Sleep"与"Love Me",则请出新生代创作才子Butch Walker及乡村界亮眼才女 Tift Merritt助阵搭唱。\r \r Singer/songwriter Courtney Jaye was born in Pittsburgh, PA. She moved to Atlanta during her formative high school years and after a friend's untimely death began writing songs. She traveled extensively after graduating, spending her days in Flagstaff, AZ, as an acupuncturist and playing in a band at night. She then found herself on the Hawaiian island of Kauai, where she developed an affinity for the region's fluid rhythms and laid-back atmosphere. It wasn't until Jaye reached the musical capitol of Georgia that she truly hit her stride. Athens provided the young artist with her first love and a vibrant music scene. The couple relocated to Austin, TX, where they went their separate ways, leaving Jaye with a bottomless well of emotions to write from. Courtney was signed on the spot after a mutual friend managed to set up a meeting for her to play some of her songs for A&R executives at Island Def Jam Music Group. The results can be heard on 2005's Traveling Light.\r