Beautiful Invasion EP

Beautiful Invasion EP

Soren Andrews is one of those young guns from the united states who are so talented and always tryin so hard to improve there sound with every new production. He is now here to make his first steps into our sub label and show you his skills and passion for the music we love so much on our sublabel imprint. Delivering a nice first release with this outstanding original tracks . We are sure you will like them one as much as we did.

Beautiful Invasion

Deep - Driving - Pumping always forward. These word could describe best what you get on this first track of the two tracker ep on this release here on our sublabel. Delivering really hynotic beats and sounds through the whole production that you wont let you go until you have checked the whole track until the end.

Somnium Remix

This remix also starts deep driving and always straight to the edge. but you will really surprised about the way of this lovely remix inside the breakdown. what an epic journey you will go through !!! Well produced and full of deatails
