

Yeah! Some releases have the something special in it. Mainly because you do not expect something special. No big name on the cover, not the big reference list, not the big gigs on big dancefloors around the world. But remember: Thats why we call it Techno even if the rules have been changed in so many ways.

Our Release No. 007 should be titled with something around James Bond and indeed the artists Vladin Nicolov and Boian Deribeev maybe agents somehow because they discovered well known sounds and combined it in a special way to a fantastic solution of a matter we all have in these days: Move the crowd. Yeah!

Both tracks, Yeah and Wings are pumping dark techno tracks, their typical techno elements have been proved their impact since decades on the floor: Looping Sirens, claps, thick bassline, space bullets and a dark wave which were arranged somehow classically. But youll soon recognize that the producers have an own signiture that defines the difference between common and special tracks to be dedicated t
