Route 66

Route 66

Already championed around the world by uplifting giants Aly & Fila and included on FSOE vol. 3. Spanish maestro Mike Sanders treats us with a real heartfelt and robust debut, Route 66!
Providing the jewels for release 186, Mike provides a perfectly polished, solid sound, capturing something truly exceptional! As well as the genious original we also have a bold and beautiful remix from Craft Integrated who slips Route 66 into big room gear!

The original slips itelf into a pure mode from the off taking you on an intense journey through sonic ingenuity and conveying what a great raw talent Mr.Sanders is! Endless energy and power throughout! A smorgesboard of emotive, hypnotic and haunting themes bolstered with raw, powerful synths, warm throbbing basslines and crispy driving beats! Don't miss this one!

Craft Integrated provide the remix on the flip side and do so with an almighty banh! Borrowing the fibres from the original they give Route 66 an emotive big room workout bolstering the haunting
