Best of Starburst Music, Vol. II

Best of Starburst Music, Vol. II

"Johnny Starburst is one of those rare writers who truly lives or has lived what he writes. He possesses a level of passion and enthusiasm in his compositions that I have never seen in my 30 plus years in the music business. His lyrics often encompass powerful poetry along with psychic depth that defines his writings in a unique and fascinating way. At other times, he is witty in a way that challenges the listener to think. It has been my pleasure to complete a number of compositions with Johnny that I feel are as great, as compelling, and as emotionally deep as anything I have ever written."

-Rich Chudacoff, Gouda Music Publishing, Nashville, TN

"I have never heard a more involved, witty, politically humorous and emotionally-tuned individual in my life. Starburst writes material that will not only make you think, but pushes the boundaries of nearly every genre within which he dabbles. Amazing versatility, a genuine contribution to any musical community, I'll stand by his work any day."

-Nathaniel Jo
