Soul Rekindled

Soul Rekindled

It has been 10 years since the release of Momente Intimate (my last solo acoustic piano release). Much has happened since then, most notably my leaving of New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Additionally there was a very big shift in my everyday awareness and how I look at and deal with the world around me. This album is a brief glimpse into that process.

Within all my performances there are moments of creating new music. Beginning in 2011, I began to invite my audiences to give me a “musical inspiration” from which to create a new piece of music. Idaho is one of these such inspirations captured LIVE in concert. Rex Stowers provided the inspiration at a concert on September 9, 2012.

In the recent couple of years, I have known many doing battle with cancer. The labyrinths on the CD and the album package are inspired by one of those who has lost her battle … Judy Hopen, a labyrinth designer and builder AND my friend. There are others who currently are winning their battle against cancer. They inspire me to continue to push forward with my day to day challenges. My friends Sandy and Chris are two who are currently winning their fight. This album is dedicated to anyone affected in one way or another by cancer … past, present and future … that they may continue their fight.
