Rise From Ruin

Rise From Ruin

Georgia native Luke James’ debut album Rise from Ruin sets the stage for something new in contemporary Christian music. This country boy follows in the footsteps of fellow pioneers like Johnny Lang and John Mark McMillan in carving a place for southern-bred, Gospel-infused Rock in the praise and worship scene. In “Hiding Place”, James finds the long lost edge that modern Christian music has been missing. His rough-hewn vocals will move you on songs of declaration like “Tell the World”, yet they take a more soulful turn on “You Will Always Be” and other heart-felt songs of praise.

Each song is laid on a foundation of raw guitar solos and screaming organ. What better way to showcase this newcomer’s vocal talent than with the release of Rise from Ruin.

James' has been worship leader for 14 years and a songwriter for more than 10 years. The message being delivered is one of encouragement and hope . It wasn't that long ago that James needed to hear words of encouragement for himself going through difficult
