The Color of a Fading Masterpiece

The Color of a Fading Masterpiece

The band known as MARCATO has emerged with a refeshingly unique sound to the world of hard rock and metal. Their music takes you to the pinnacle of heaviness, while somehow avoiding the staleness of their hardcore contemporaries. The vocals of frontman Kevin Po-Hong Drew satisfy your thirst for sweet melodies on tracks like "CLOUD" and the poetic "RIVER OF FIRE", while channeling pure aggression on brutal cuts like "DANCE PARTY" and "FREEDOM FRIES". Fans of Rage Against the Machine and Pantera will appreciate the heavy riffing and thick guitars of Drew and lead guitarist Nathan Stevenson. However, their sound goes far beyond mere heaviness, and often plunge into deep and layered pockets of warming harmonies and cathartic ascensions. Like taking a deep breath after avoiding a car crash.

"The Color Of A Fading Masterpiece" features 12 tracks of pure creativity, ignoring the trends of euro-core metal and mall rock. This album takes you on a journey to snow covered fields and burning cities. Marcato's sound is
