

"Not many groups today get my attention, let alone true respect. But as with anything else there's always an exception--and this is it!,...one tune after another featuring amazing vocals between Dimitrious James (multi-instrumentalist/vocalist) and Cyndy Teseniar (instrumentalist/vocalist)..., I highly recommend this CD for anyone who misses the 60's, but would like something new exciting.,...there are absolutely no filler songs."
--Scott Toothman AMZ

"This group shows from start to finish on this CD that they have the acumen to be as diverse entertaining as any rock and roll group that is currently active..., There is something special going on here. This top-shelf music must be heard."
--Music Dish Network

"...impressive musicianship,...social conscience themes of the 60's, while still having the ability to transcend time to touch the modern listener with catchy lyrics and hooks that keep you interested."

"...first proper track of the album, Drowning In The Backwash which is a superb rocker of a tune with a rhythm somewhat like Rush having a mixture of acoustic and electric guitars going at the same time. Actually this is something that persists for the majority of the album together with almost folksy approach. With each album the group seem to mature considerably as well as delve into the more complicated nether regions of music, thus augering well for the future of this group."
The Dutch Progressive Rock Page.

On sophomore album OUT OF BALANCE
"Out Of Balance is a brilliant and spirited record...a standout garage success!"
All Music Guide

"Soaring, compelling, and multitextured, Acumen's offerings has intelligent lyrics, '60's sensibilities, and strong possibilities"
BAM/LA Times

"The word "innovative" and Acumen go hand in hand"
The Glass Eye

"...a collaborations of various musical elements that has made people stand up and take notice of this band..."
Inner Dimensions Magazine

DIVERSITY, expresses exactly that. Acumen shows its true colors, ...all of them. Acumen diversifies stylistically, musically ,and lyrically carrying the listener through all extremes of thoughts and sounds. Songs like "One Eye Closed" contain subtle complexities such as two entirely different guitar parts using completely different chord changes and rhythms that counter each other yet it sounds perfectly normal, like a musical version of an MC Escher drawing. Or "You're On Your Own" which casts a vision of a European cafe', weaving instruments like a Greek Bazouki and Mandolin around each other. The album also rocks out with songs "Drowning In The Backwash", "One Thousand Miles", and "Over, Done With Gone", then dives deep into Progressive Rock with "Sarah's Dance". Quirky pop songs with uncommon structures like "No Surprise", and "Tonight" counter the one and only straight forward pop song "Hearts". The diversity doesn't stop here. There's the jam driven song "Too Many Choices", the Space Rockish "Queen Of Denial" and emotionally driven finale "What You Believe" that rounds out the album and brings it all to center.

So there it is. An odd compilation of songs that only Acumen can make work as a cohesive whole.
