The Bloom

The Bloom

W. Allaudin Mathieu, piano / Jennifer Wilsey, marimba and percussion / George Marsh, drum set and percussion

Allaudin: People are going to want to know how we came to play the way we do.
Jennifer: I always wanted to play a certain way. As a teenager I’d sit at the piano at night and improvise in the dark. It was a feeling of communion with myself, with being-ness through sound, and now I get to experience that same communion with others.
Allaudin: When I was seventeen I’d play the piano for my girlfriend, a beautiful dancer, and that created a kind of heaven world for me. I hadn’t the slightest idea what I was playing, but I loved her so much it sounded beautiful. Then I started actually listening to it, and building a musical language that came from that love-feeling.
George: For me it’s a bang-wop-ding song I’ve always been singing — maybe a weird way to sing, but it’s how I sing, how I play. When the playing and the listening are the same thing, the music just happens. And knowing that your buddies a
