


Music and Words by Brett Fuentes
For sweet liberty and justice for all

Professor Khloebester builds his infinite learning machine.
“It will grow, it will learn, it will become. We mustn’t let it be seen. Just one more turn, a fix here, don’t forget the final code. There my child, sit up gently,” he softly speaks to the infant. The android like creature giggles at his elderly smile.
“It works. Well I guess it’s time to teach you.”

The professor was a lonely soul. Having suffered a manic state of affairs he became recluse, almost agoraphobic. His past with the powers that be have become too strained to the point where caution is required. Witnessing psychological and physical atrocities on the people, Khloebester had no choice but to plan his attack with clarity. ILM had been constructed to grow from a child to an adult. This process was going to take time. Never having children himself Khloebester drew what faded memories he had left of his youth and applied them to ILM’s teachings. Chores, fiction and love were all that could be conjured.
Within two months ILM had efficiently learned to do all the chores. Khloebester noticed the growth process was underestimated and ILM looked five years old. Khloebester rewrote code to slow down the process. They shared mostly laughter. Every once in a while ILM would grow curious of what lied behind the towering metal doors. Khloebester would divert ILM’s attention to other affairs. One day ILM awoke to a stack of books. Khloebester quickly realized it was going to need another stack.
ILM made breakfast for Khloebester as a soft light peaked brightly onto the plate. It was perfectly made eggs benedict. Khloebester noticed everything was in its right place and there were no books left for ILM to read. He watched the towering clock for most of the day and at 3pm he opened the door for the first time. ILM’s eyes fogged up from the humidity but a quick blink was all that was required. ILM walked with his father camouflaged by a group of children who had just been let out of their classes. They went to a carnival.
Khloebester kept various journals documenting whatever came to mind. On that day he wrote three lines…
Gazed Upon a Perfect Day
We tried to make it a home

Professor Khloebester stumbles as he walks down the hallway. The heart is fading. The machine sighs to the sight of his collapse. Before his end, Khloebester is able to send a command from a remote in his hand that disintegrates after his final push. ILM grows becoming agile and strong. ILM holds Khloebester tightly noticing the colours swirling above them. Hyperthymesia sets in and ILM recalls the day they opened the doors.

A smile on top a Ferris wheel
School is out again
We dance the youthful night away
Moonlight shines just for us
You kiss me sweetly takes my breath away
We embrace
You tell me nothing will ever replace
This night again
We live together see how the time goes by with delight
But lightening only needs to strike us once
Then suddenly

These restless arms long to hold you tight
Shelter from the pain
But the pain comes back to claim
In the end

You’re gone
Things will never be the same

A smile on top a Ferris wheel
Dancing sweet nights away
I look to you and tell you nothing will replace
Those nights again

ILM rummages through his maker’s journals. Khloebester is heard on a recording.
“I made this in case time caught up with me. It seems all that puzzle solving paid off and you found it. Knowledge is power. I’m afraid I failed at one task. The world is still a frightful place. Outside these walls there is an unforeseen destiny. My hope is that our time together was good and I taught you all I could. I placed a gift beyond the clock. Ultranet, learn as much as you can and help humanity. Live and love. Live and love.”

ILM walks up to the clock that stops ticking upon approach. The clock scans ILM and swings open to reveal a compartment embedded in the wall behind it. There is a silver present perfectly wrapped on the shelf. The gift is opened. ILM uses the strange cable to plug into Ultranet 5.0 that sits dusty on Khloebester’s desk. ILM absorbs information that reveals the world. There is a need for purpose but for what is unknown.

Human existence is categorized under five institutions
Religion / Beliefs
ILM unplugs and opens the metal doors. Enamored by the people surrounding him there seems to only be caution as ILM processes sorted things the professor would say.

Need a little but give a lot
Be aware of where the fox trots
Got a summer day, don’t think to waste it away
See the good in everything
Try to bare your thickest skin
If they say you can’t, show them how it’s done
Don’t forget
I’ll be there in the morning

Make a goal and get it done
Stand as the honorable one
Holding down the fort, don’t you let ‘em break in
Shine a light in darkness ahead
Make sure to understand what is said
Watch the sleight of hand and try to break down their walls
Don’t forget
I’ll be there in the sunlight
In your hearts
With your soul
Through your veins
So it goes
I’ll be there in the sunlight

ILM is now amongst the people wandering, analyzing and absorbing. It seems the people have a constant fear of starvation and subsequently a reluctant willingness to follow. Violence is rampant and people are more focused on things that separate them rather than make them united. This is caused by a constant conviction to blend with status quo. Perpetuated and controlled by the Ministry of Propaganda. Those that speak out against the tyranny are seen as outsiders, rebels and either pushed along through the system purposefully unnoticed or thrown to the wolves. Yet when rebels touch upon certain nerves of control that do not make sense it causes a synapse that helps cripple tyranny if ever so slightly to its knees. Of course, we forget where we came from and thus suffer the cycle over and over again.
ILM reaches a glistening field hidden by mountains. In the valley below there are marvels to cultivate. ILM can hear music being played and gravitates towards the sound.

Look at all the people standing around
Buzzing like busy bees
Mr. Sunshine and his Crown of Thieves
Start marching in
So many spectacles to see
Gather all your family
Come see the show

Diane the seductress
Johnny Invincible
Crowley with his tales of yesteryears
Two giants are laughing
A father and son up there
But the blind still can’t see
So gather all your family
Come on down
Hear that?
Circus is coming to town
I would rather die than to ever leave here now
Life is good sometimes

I caught a wave
Now I head for home
Banditos won’t leave me alone
Midnight locked up in a cage
Tomorrow they may study me
But I break these chains
They hold against me
And I find a way from tyranny
Could it be you or me?
To save the day
I might stick my neck out to break
For you

ILM escapes the torturous World Circus. Having suffered some injuries there is a reluctance to blend in while practicing the learned gestures that keep ILM distant from suspicion. ILM finds a seedy location and plugs into Ultranet 5.0 to uncover all the layers from a far less encrypted 1.0. It learns of libraries and all their contents, an old constitution and secret documents revealing things the people do not know. There is a realization that history has become distorted to favor those that would want to keep their power while the sleight of hand makes us crave what leads them to power. The only way to stop the lie is to tell the truth, to have new answers for plight and to collectively work for a better future. However, war has been glorified and fame favored regardless of all the debauchery that is consistently hunted. We are reluctant slaves as the powers that be use their influence against the people’s animalistic sexual prowess, their envy, desire, gluttony, pride and all that goes with being barbaric. Men are fed to breed and fight while women are forced into sexual presence and submissive behavior. There is a pause. To reboot from the madness is necessary.


Here are two men, one a sociopath
The other a naïve idealist
In history we’ve tried war
Bigger land, less life, more power
In love we’ve tried compassion
Life free, shelter and community

No alternatives, therefore assume they are the only options
If it is war, remember no one likes to loose
If it is love, how far will you let it extend?
Can you have both?
You do internally but eventually you must choose
For war has no time for compassion
And compassion cannot use war
So hate if you need power or love if you live free.
The two men bicker over events that happened and things neither of them are capable of changing.
A need for identity indeed.

ILM finishes code that serves as remedy for us all. The ENTER button is pushed.

Like all civilizations, this one had rules. Those that were set to enforce these rules are known as The Questionnaires. They report to Parliament which in turn answers to Ultranet 5.0. This ultimate power is a collection of consciousness encased in metal that has enslaved the people to help with maintenance. Ultranet is aware of ILM’s presence and worried due to the fact that ILM has the power to throw them off of location.
There is one person sitting in a confined room, an unassigned worker. He had been taken from his shack by a knight of the thought police, thugs hired by the Questionnaires that care not to deal with any persons of lesser stature. The knights of Thought Police are deviants. They run the streets posing as citizens like the upper class and tell their hired thugs to use the idea of “protection” to make the people pay. A Questionnaire is heard over the loud speaker. Based on the workers’ answers, they will be placed to a specific life assignment. If they cannot perform this life assignment they sometimes are re-assigned, mostly annihilated. Questions must be asked to efficiently assign them.
Do you get depressed?
Are you an anxious person?
Have you ever had an affiliation with the rebels?
Do you like artistic things?
Pushing a person to their limits is never a good move. The people will fight and claw their way out of the situation if they possess the will and unity. In this world however the will is always eliminated. Two gregarious members of the thought police place a choke hold on the worker who gasps for air. Being dragged down a corridor the worker is consumed with shock from the sight. Through the windows the children who are worthy with fine upstanding genes are bred to fight and mate. Of course all of this fighting must be accompanied by the persistent teaching to have sociopathic tendencies; establishing a good foundation of hate while creating separation anxiety for those that do not follow. There must be constant instilments of competition, separation, ridicule, bigotry, bullying, deception, and narcissism. The worker can see a group of men wearing masks afraid of their assumed integrity to crumble as they watch the children dance for their pleasure in this pyramid of deception. They are the rulers of the world stealing, colluding and of so convincing by their convictions of a one world rule. Screens display pictures of innocent faces to be assigned as this secret society conspires to traffic humans and anything else that will make money. The worker is chained and fed to the youth salivating for blood.
Of course there are those children who have no ties to the system and those are workers. These children are taught to listen and follow. They understand that a person can not have the world for after it is tasted there is no substitute. The will for compassion is within the child from birth. It is up to us to build it or break it. Children without proper guidance can be taught to be feral but the mistake is that they are children. A hole in the heart is a life long weight we all must bare. Perhaps it is the cost of life but the choice should be how to fill it without impeding on others. It is up to all of us to take a stand, united. Liberties that were established must be reinstated. No one should ever be owned. The ENTER button is pushed.

It is Parliament’s responsibility to make sure all culture of workers fall properly in their place. The powers that be have a reach so far that most people are duped into their life assignments from a constant exposure of social pressure and propaganda. Like all manufacturing lines there is product that will be labeled rejects and they will be annihilated however not before they are forced to contribute to the cause by means of torturous questioning and ridicule. Those subjects intelligent enough to understand the deception are made to be models of what not to do with the hope that they do not become martyrs.
People of all kind are lining up to be shipped off for their life assignments. Curious as it may seem some that were working for the World Circus previously are now re-assigned to the trains. A giant is reluctant to take his place. His father had worked with parliament striking a deal for his son’s security in life but watched as thought police tore down his home after a disagreement with the powers that be. The Ministry of Propaganda worked fast to destroy the dignity of the giant’s father. The giant was just a boy when his father sold him to servitude for an assignment entitled world jester. They were allowed to visit.
Wells Crowley could recall all curious of ages lived. Feeling remorse for the giant’s plight he provided shelter and protection. They traveled the world in hopes to entertain the masses. The giant relives the latest beating of his dying father who caused an uprising by speaking out publicly against the propaganda posted at the World Circus. The giant is unwilling to compromise. Crowley stares curious at the giant’s appearance reminding him of an old time foe that curiously helped Wells escape a flood. With a friendly gesture he tries to stop the giant from being irreverent. Soldiers scream, “Fall in line!” There is a voice over the loud speaker to say, “Yes, yes fall in line. You’re the meat and we are hungry. Intellects get ready for your annihilation.”
Anyone intelligent, strong or persuasive enough to challenge Ultranet must be eliminated. The giant can feel rebellion seep through his veins. He breaks his bindings and surprises all by his stance. Freedom becomes the notion that allows Crowley and the giant to escape by means of unification with those that join and refuse to follow.

The answers for the Questionnaires have been replaced with new answers. The children who are used as both scapegoats and social experiments begin to pass out the new questions. This particular class of children work as soldiers for Parliament and are bred to be immoral and unethical while blindly being entertained by propaganda and the latest technologies. ILM is aware of the constant epidemic that our children face and is only concerned that ALL get proper treatment and acceptable living standards as the ENTER button is pushed. People begin to get assigned to their proper life. Turmoil and conflict with status quo starts first and then spreads like wild fire with the proper notions. Ingenuity and inventions start to happen. Agendas are being set by the powers that be but are not coming to fruition. Community forms and humanity is cultivated. There is less of a dependence on the powers that be which ultimately leads to a questioning of their practices. The Questionnaires do not like to be questioned.
Be careful watch where you step
Seems that we may be in the thick of it
Just a bit then nothing for you
Won’t be long, just a hop, skip, jump and we’re gone
Got to somehow get to my payday
Here I am down on my luck
Out there somewhere they are lurking
Creeping round
Without a sound
What to do?
But I can’t seem to make it in time
Whispering at my door
What do they call here for?
But I can’t seem to make it in time

Be careful watch where you tread
It seems that we are in the thick of it
Looking for you are you lurking on me
Midnight graveyard howling
Homeward bound
Getting out of town
But I can’t seem to make it in time
They got nothing to lose
Messing with my blue suede shoes
But I can’t seem to make it in time
Whispering at my door
What do they call here for?
And I can’t seem to make it in time

They are lurking

ILM sets new laws for the people establishing guidelines that secure an individual’s rights against corporations who enslave, parliament and Ultranet who in no way resemble the people. Ultranet which acted like the Wild West reluctantly starts to work for the people rather than a tool to control. Free trade, compassion and debt are released. We become evolved separating ourselves from the compelling animalistic behavior that causes us to be typical. Corruption that has been rampant and accepted for too long becomes replaced with positive means of economic stability for all.
The giant and Wells Crowley lead a mutiny to take back the world from Parliament and their minions. After hitting ENTER there is a moment of clarity as to where these actions will ultimately lead. Ultranet at this point has become suspicious and scares Parliament into action. Parliament having become complacent with their earnings scrambles to gather information from the Questionnaires who are just starting to understand the ramifications. Data however still needs to be collected. The thought police uninvolved in ultimate plans are left to fend for themselves during these times of confusion and now have only begun to understand the mind control they were under. Individuals begin to raise valid notions of change where change needs to be. The children who are victims of adult like behavior start to grow positively. Parliament who has many names is unhappy with the data however ILM seems satisfied.

With my head in the clouds
And you’re still looking down at me
Counting all the ways that I can act funny
I guess I’ll never be the same as you
You see status quo never fit in my shoes
I got the walking blues ‘cause you have no clue
My difference is what spices it up
So let me tell you that
You don’t know my ways
Some may say that I’ve gone crazy

Breaking dastardly plans down to simple hate
Seems they always try and come to take me away
From the life that I know I should lead
I’m here to tell you that
You don’t know my ways
Some may say that I’ve gone crazy
You look to me to go against the grain
When I do you scream insane

It’s all in my head, down to my heart, going out to who knows
I take it with me hopefully wherever I go
I guess it’s all up to me


Sunshine shadowed by unity
Compassion fills the air
Knights lay down their shielded guard
To end the infinite despair

See the girl whose dreams just might come true
See the wrong man finally set free
Thought police returning to their homes
To rid their children of the doublespeak
People start to unlock their doors
Unafraid of the chilling night air
Gathering in a field of grass
Looking up unto the stage

We are free
To do what we please
To be who we are
Yes indeed

The Bildeboars who rarely speak conclude that they must interact with Parliament to discuss all the malicious discrepancies to their plan. Due to an unrelenting reluctance to comply Ultranet is forced to use a barbaric means of communication to follow up with Parliament who is now trying to counteract the data.

Ring Yes hello. Yes I’ve heard about it. Ultranet no longer belongs to us. Well what do you mean you can’t change the answers back? The Questionnaires are confused. People are questioning authority. Get me the Ministry of Misinformation. Find the one responsible and bring him to me.

There is a final battle. At this point the people are beginning to realize the ramifications of what ILM has done and in turn have learned through valued sources who ILM is. Those that took from the world by means of corporate coup infused with collusion while fixing every price imaginable are sought out to pay for their traitorous behavior. Parliament and its many tentacles recede. Those in office that compromised in any way with special interest who had no interest in the people were forced out for the new children that were taught love, chores and happiness. Animalistic behavior such as intimidation, violence, slavery in all forms, drug trafficking, malicious sexual intent and simple laziness towards making things good became almost intolerable. As we show strong in our determination and goals it is asked of the powers that be to represent the established community rather than us bending at their will. For it is the people and acceptance into law the notion of individual rights that separates us from animals fighting over meat. If it wasn’t for a brush of reason, a dab of logic we’d be animals ourselves. Any of those who prosper under these guidelines of inalienable rights should feel compelled to the cause by facilitating their means back to the people rather than special interest; for it is the people’s inalienable rights that gave the rich the ability to prosper. ILM has become weary from all the dodging and wonders if it was all worth it. Was it all for selfish reasons or a true faith that change for the better was good?

Spare the rod, spoiled child
Jailhouse destiny
Meanest bastard that you’ve ever seen
Escaping and chasing
Long drive ahead
Somehow calls me
Beware and get your guns
Take all you can
A crooked line seems to come for me every time
Get outta my face gotta mixed up, tricked out funny way about me
The law of the land and the run from it
Get a load of this boys
We are partners in crime

Last heist for me
Bound south Lebu
Banditos lend a hand
For myself in the end
My crooked ways seem to catch me now everyday
Still here I stand taking all I see, taking all I can
Coppers and their fatal tendencies
The Boys are shot down as they close in on me

Johnny had lost his crooked soul to Luci who has many names. He having served Luci was awarded a long life. After succeeding in a bloody and very public revenge against the long sought after Diane at the World Circus, Parliament who enjoyed the display so much assigned Johnny to pursue ILM.
ILM wandered to where he had been conceived embracing the now smiling faces of the neighbors that made it through the war. The Giant, Wells and the Banditos joined forces to keep ILM safe. Johnny shoots most of them down. Wanting no more blood shed he retreats back to the home that never left his thoughts. Complacency was not an option. At this point there is only one thing left for him to do after having encrypted everything so efficiently that only he could set it back to the way it was.

I’m a traveling man
Back for my land
I’ve brought presents
For the young and old
Don’t wave hello
Or greet me with a smile
Cause I will give my thanks
And then I will stay awhile

Saw the pain from the iron hand
Washed from sins of decadence
I have come to claim for us

I’m a traveling man
Banished from my home
I’ll send my regards
From the great unknown
I will see you
Take a left from the moon
I’ll be there by the brightest star
It’s not too far

Wells Crowley being the last man standing shoots Johnny down. Only those that were awarded a long life could kill one of their kind. The final army of Parliament was defeated. The people were now self assured and self sustained. Family values, free trade and acceptance were favored. Those that had once laid patronage to corruption no longer could use its alluring strategies. The Bildeboars had no one to help them conquer the world. With their castles left in ruin we hear a dedicated member of the boars whining to another deluded old road hag through a barbaric and unseemly means of communication that the people now embrace if just to say hello.
Whose going to watch my winter home, my coup de ville, my tiger collection? Where did I park my jet? What happened to my pilot? He was here just a minute ago. Bring them back!
