Live That Way

Live That Way

Following a successful summer of regional gigs, the band spent six months writing, rehearsing and recording for this, their sophomore project 'Live That Way'. Keeping studio overdubs to a minimum, this album represents the great qualities of early rock music, when group members enjoyed playing off the energy of one another. So much of todays music has been sterilized to the point of mechanical monotony, all aimed at pointing every song toward selling soap, cars, beer and pharmaceuticals. But here, the band has taken the low road and written songs from the ground up, pairing thoughtful lyrics with 'shoot-from-the-hip' rock hooks that are becoming increasingly and disturbingly rare in today's music scene.

The guys in SnL are certainly not surprised to find an audience among young folks now reaching back into their parents' record collections, mining the true rock gold within. The hugely successful rock bands and folk artists that endure and resurface again and again are the very bands that influenced the writing on this CD. It's easy to hear Dylan's lyrical influence on the Tommy Link songs WHAT'S IN A NAME? and the title track LIVE THAT WAY. Guitar riffs by Justin Anderson abound on the record, including THE BOOK WAS CLOSED, a catchy and rhythmic song that leans back toward what are now called 'Americana' stylings. Tasteful and well crafted, the song pays homage to the likes of Poco, The Eagles, The Jayhawks and J.D. Souther. The Tom Petty-esque opening track NATURAL APPEARANCES brings forward the bass talents of Russ Straub - a guitarist who was tossed into the deep end for Strangers And Liars. He wasted no time finding his way around the four string, low end landscapes being created by the three songwriters in the band. A relaxed but well-tethered rhythm is provided by Tom Hitt on the drums, often remaining in the pocket, yet sometimes off on a Moon-like tangent during guitar solos.

Beginning writers are often told to "write what you know", and that is exactly what's happening on LIVE THAT WAY. The music pulses with energy and groove without ever becoming bombastic. The thoughtful lyrical structures are a welcome change to the tired and repetitive 'word hooks' so many artists offer up today. Here we have music worth listening to and words we can relate to. Best of all, you can actually hear the band having fun. When was the last time that translated across the airwaves?

LIVE THAT WAY by Strangers And Liars
Tommy Link * Justin Anderson * Russ Straub * Tom Hitt
Original Electrified Music in the American Tradition
