Quarter to Never

Quarter to Never

The First Stone is an eclectic culmination of working-class musicians based out of Atlanta, Georgia. Their sound is best described indie-folk-rock infused with funk. The First STone is led by front man Brian Kelly on guitar and vocals. Brian has spent time in Chattanooga, TN., Athens, and Augusta, GA as a solo artist and with other full band projects (Drive South, Tony Kick). Dave “Danger” Baranik keeps the groove alive on bass while Aubrey Bailey balances it all out on percussion and drums. Dave has played with bands such as Swoon 19 and The Funktron Bomb. Aubrey’s musical past includes bands such as Bound and Great White Dolemite. Guitar player Nate Kieser hails from Peoria, IL and has performed all across the country. He brings unique guitar riffs and a killer sound to the band.

TFS officially formed in early 2008 and after contemplating what they should do for a practice space; they compromised and built the “home office studio” in Brian’s garage. From there it’s history; after recording their first EP i
