

Theo Johnson (born April 15, 1977), better known by his stage and street name Showtime. Showtime was born and grew up in the Desire Project a Project located in the upper 9th Ward of New Orleans, Louisiana. Johnson always had the desire to rap but never had the time or will power to pursue it. In 1998 Johnson gave up everything to join the military. In 2001 Johnson wrote his first song called “My Life” while sitting in a guard tower in Bosnia. “My Life” was later released on his first Album “Tha Game”. That album was designed to give the world an idea of his life and growing up in the cruel streets of New Orleans. “Tha Game” was produced, recorded and released in the summer of 2005 while Johnson was serving a tour in Iraq. 500 plus copies were sold in Iraq and another 200 plus were sold in the U.S. His sophomore album “ChoicesDecisionsConsequences” was release in early November of 2008. Johnson has a beautiful daughter Theorian Johnson that he love so dearly. Although rapping is not a career for Joh
