Pleased to See You

Pleased to See You

This is track # 8 from our album "Entre-Nous." Each song is about a relationship. All the cover art for the singles from this collection are treatments of the same photograph.

This arrangement features three acouustic guitars, organ, drums, and sax. It's uptempo, but melancholy.

This song began as a guitar song demo in 2005. It's a reflection on family relationships and the importance of defining "family" for oneself.
Everyone leaves on their journey, and some take detours and put their faith in folks who want to swindle them. Sometimes they learn and avoid the swindle again -- other times they embrace the swindle to their own detriment.
Watching someone embrace that is enough to set you apart from them entirely, for your own sake.
And that's not a bad thing.
Occasionally, as time goes on, a family member will be left to face some untenable circumstances on their own in their old age, and you have to take charge for their sake. You have to let go of the things from another time that you had to leave, and b


