Man of Sorrows

Man of Sorrows

Blues, rock, instrumental rock blues, jazz? I think the last thing we cared about when making this album was how the final product would be classified, and how far away it was from all the other music we make as 7. What we aimed to do was make some great tunes using not so great equipment; cheap amps, mics, no name brand pedals, synths and weird places to record. After a few days of putting the sounds together in the studio we found a good feel and sound and followed that. The entire time this album was in production each of us were going through things in our personal lives, sad and happy. The atmosphere of everything that was going on at the time prompted me to title the album "Man of Sorrows" because no matter how bad things get or how dark you become, there is someone who can always pull you back into the light. Pretty much all guitars and bass were improvised, each time we jammed or recorded something different came out, but it always sounded good so we kept it. This was a really fun album, it really opened our minds and can't wait until another one like it comes up.
