This Is the End

This Is the End

Track 3 of the Entre-Nous album

This song came at a period of great transition for me. The gigging band had to change its name, I'd just been hired as a full time high school teacher and I just started my first relationship at 27. Within a year, the gigs would stop, and I'd be married, beginning the most terrifying three years of my life.

But I digress.

But when I wrote this (and another song called "Point A") I was trying to come up with a groove oriented song, and this one had it, I thought, built into the bass line and the downward riff from the lead guitar. I'd just gotten into The Jam and neo-Mod bands, like the Lambrettas.
Of course, the initial demo was never considered by the band, since back then it was cassettes and stuff where you couldn't just email mp3s.
This actually came out a bit darker than the original. Plus, I changed the middle.


