Easy Now

Easy Now

In the six songs of Easy Now, Aaron Jackson's elegant piano and raw voice merge with homespun percussion and virtual strings to conjure a surrealist landscape alive with sex-crazed transients and kleptomaniac pigeons. For fans of Tom Waits, Van Dyke Parks, George Harrison, and the American songbook.

Aaron Jackson grew up in Princeton NJ, where he learned to play piano and sing. When he wasnt playing imaginary baseball games in the imaginary ballpark in his (actual) backyard, he spent his time wandering around the woods, where the symphonic soundscape of the birds, the breeze and the traffic from a nearby highway made an incalculable impression. He studied composition at the Juilliard School of Music in New York before attending college at Princeton University, where he was exposed to a wealth of music as a DJ and music director at the student-run commercial station WPRB (www.wprb.com) while he majored in philosophy -- perhaps so that people could marvel at his fantastic impracticality, or perhaps so that he could spend countless hours thinking about thinking.

Aaron lived in New York for several years after graduating from college, where the quirky songwriting style that he had abandoned in his years studying composition at Juilliard reasserted itself with the full force of a lightning bolt, as if regurgitated from the hidden depths of his being. Struggling at that time to write music in the experimental classical tradition, and following the advice of a successful composer in New York who he had gotten to know, Aaron forced himself to sit down and notate every morning for several hours whatever music came into his head, putting aside all critical impulses -- as if drunk, the advice went. After a few hundred pages of nonsensical scribblings, a pairing of words and music began to steadily and regularly emerge in these sessions. A song about an insane soldier trying to get a grip on his oppressive reality -- whose chorus ran _I am Mr. Wilson -- how do you do/ I once made a rat into a stew/ oh you little children, when you eat your greens/ remember me, do_ -- was the first full song to emerge, and became popular with his friends. Always prone to intense visions of the inner life of wacky characters, Aaron channeled these into his songs and committed himself to bringing to full flame whatever glimmers of music and Other Peoples Psychoses might emerge from within.

Aaron`s music has evolved considerably, particularly since his relocation to the Boston area in January of 2006. Increasingly his songs have fuller arrangements yet simpler, more emotionally direct themes and structures, moving beyond the early spare recordings of lyrically hard-to-follow ditties for piano and voice into more complete and satisfying musical experiences.

Aaron is currently enjoying the relative peace and quiet of his neighborhood in Somerville near Porter Square, the abundance of musicians and bars with music, and his job teaching music to young children. His favorite children`s song -- if he has to choose -- is a song about how the waves in the ocean are all caused by a family of papa, mama, and baby whales sneezing; although the songs where he gets to bob his head like a peacock or dance like a penguin who spins his cane in joy come in a close second and third. He hopes to travel, play and teach music all over the world, and to bring to life an integral vision and compassionate embrace in everything he does.
