On 17 Foxstreet

On 17 Foxstreet

The three things I love the most:

Three lovely things coming together when
a) people listen to what I record and feel lovely with it
b) I play a show

Writing this bio was an unexpected walk down memory lane, or in other words, it was: India Turner, The REALY Early Years. Aged three being sent to my room because I wouldn't open my mouth to sing, and that same year discovering what applause feels like at The Tabernak (the name finally came back to me). Being shown the Staple Singers. I loved those voices. This was much better than the arias earlier (you see why I refused to sing). I realized for the first time just what an unusual and unorthodox teacher I had. Here was a German Opera Singer who was training her daughter by playing her Gospel records. What guts. And thank god. I do love opera intensely, Dawn Upshaw, how much better can it get?...but nothing feels more connected than expressing those deep down feelings in the cadence of Gospel and Soul and Blues. Perfect vehicles for
