Tranquility Base

Tranquility Base

If you like Soft Rock guitar sounds then grab a cold beer and give this CD a listen.

Nowadays Chris mainly produces 'Feel Good' instrumental tracks with a movies soundtrack feel. His early influences were Duane Allman, Chet Atkins and more recently the moody picking style of Mark Knopfler (Dire Straits). Listen to 'Kiss in the Shadows', this has an unmistakeable Carlos Santana sound to it.

O.K. Crack that beer and settle back ....

Tranquility Base is dedicated to the crews of the space shuttles Columbia (1 February 2003) and Challenger (28 January 1986) who gave their lives in the pursuit of excellence. The track 'Columbia - A Tribute' was penned by Chris to show his respect for these brave men and women and is the only non guitar track on the album.
