Bangkok Skyline

Bangkok Skyline

BILL & the Billie Boden Band
Bill Crozier
William Crozier
CD Release - October 2012
CanThai Records
Join Bill and the Billie Boden Band on a unique musical journey
“…down the Mekong and around the bend…”

In his new album, William (Bill) Crozier presents a collection of musical stories and a cast of vivid characters, all with a ring of authenticity that can only come from “livin’ it on the other side”. Bangkok Skyline is an album like you've never heard before!

Bangkok Skyline’s Asian-themed collection takes you on a mesmerizing and colourful journey -- from a wild ride through the streets of Bangkok, to tender moments on a beach, inside the head of a lonely sniper in his jungle perch, and on exotic adventures with “Mee, Mie and a girl named Guy”. “Rock ‘n Roll Medium” and “65 And Still Alive” give the listener insight into Bill’s musical influences and motivation; steeped in the tradition of Elvis-era Rock ‘n Roll and Blues, celebrating both old memories and new adventures. (“Started a new bucket list, did the old one twice.”)

The Billie Boden Band is the husband and wife team of Mike Hughes & Sharon Nauss-Hughes, with a guest spot by long-time Minglewood bassist Grant Leslie. For Mike and Sharon, this project was one of the more challenging -- and fun -- assignments in their long careers of writing, performing, and studio work.

“We weren’t sure about a spoken vocal project, but Bill’s innate sense of rhythm and engaging stories captured our imagination. As we listened to each recorded vocal, it seemed to suggest a soundscape, and we found ourselves not so much composing music as finding it. The resulting mix of genres - from reggae to rockabilly, classical, soft rock, blues and jazz, were all woven together by the thread of Bill’s rich, deep voice. ”

This is the kind of album that gets even better with each listen; don’t be surprised if pieces of the unusual and creative lyrics stick in your head. You may find yourself pondering whether Billie Boden is actually CIA, or just Crazy in Asia… and that’s half the fun!

So pour yourself a triple G&T…Ricochet off the moon, be in Phnom Penh by noon… sit back and enjoy the musical journey.

( 32 page booklet of lyrics and photos available with purchase of hard copy of album or view on line at
