Taking Up The Slack

Taking Up The Slack

TAKING UP THE SLACK is a collection of ten songs recorded by Pic and Bill. After several years of being separated, each singing with different groups and going through trials and tribulations, and singing individually, they both missed the blend and soulful harmony that they couldn't get anywhere else. Now they are back with a dynamic album that took almost three years to complete. This is an album that you will want to add to your collection and keep around for many years.

After listening to the first song on the album, you will hear what seems like five people singing when really there are only two voices. By the time the second song ends, the rich blend of Pic and Bill's voices will grab you. You might even want to turn your volume up. Many people who have heard the album say it is a smash. Your top artists will listen to this album with envy because when you hear Pic and Bill, you hear the real thing. Pic and Bill sing it like IT IS, because they have both lived it.

This album will take you back to when singing was an art- not trying to see who could yell the loudest. It's refreshing, has a good beat, words that are exciting and danceable and it tells a story. This is an album for all ages. Pic and Bill do not have to fake it. Now rear back and get ready to hear the soulful voices of Pic and Bill, the mellow blend that you won't hear anywhere else. Nobody does it better and it's as good as it gets.

Pic and Bill have spent a lot of time and hard work getting everything just right and they would like to hear from you on what you think of the album.
