

Squirt, Comb*Over, Twink the Wonder Kid & Root Beer Barrels are all the masterstroke of criminally overlooked tunesmith Dick Rossetti. You will find the same 'hard soft medium energy light in the loafers' approach in this product known as GUNS & ROSSETTI. Music lovers all over God's green earth have enjoyed such Rossetti penned standards as 'Pretty neat on your motorcycle' and 'Nikki Sixx 7,8,9,10', listeners will find much joy with the 'SPINS' release, including 'Douchebag Boyfriend', 'Jon-cole Heel', 'oregon grape' and 'I'm hungry and I want to ate yew'.

G&R includes Marshall Bonfire on electric guitar, Chopper Fisher on electric bass and Doll-Quist on the drums. It was recorded by Conrad Uno at Egg in Seattle.
