Rest My Weary Feet

Rest My Weary Feet

Dear Listener,
Here we go again. We keep learning new songs and people ask “On which CD is that one?” That gives us an excuse to make another CD! This CD not only has songs we haven’t recorded before, but also songs we’ve previously recorded on CDs that are now out of print.
We open with the title cut “Rest My Weary Feet” by Miss Becky Buller. We’re delighted to call Becky our friend and still enjoy this, one of her early works. The theme of this CD seems to be growing old. This song fits right in with that reality for us.
We’ve enjoyed sharing Gordon Lightfoot’s “Redwood Hill” for years now. It’s our “hands across the border” song for our Canadian friends.
We’ve also been sharing Dixie Hall’s tribute to Mother Maybelle Carter “Follow me Back to the Fold” for quite a while. We included it as a special tribute to Dixie on her passing.
Chris Stuart has been a wonderful source of material for us for years. “Paul and Peter Walked” is a great example of the insightful and unique perspective his songs are noted for.
“Wabash Cannonball” is a favorite of ours to start our sets at the Music Center (mm 213 on the Blue Ridge Parkway in Virginia). It’s also a train song which this CD seems to be full of.
Maggie has been singing Jean Richie’s “The L&N Don’t Stop Here Anymore” for years. It reminds her of the coal mines shutting down in southwest Pennsylvania where she grew up.
Marshal Warwick”s “Goin’ Home” is one we’re pleased to share again on this CD.
For the token instrumental, we’ve combined two popular fiddle tunes - “Red Haired Boy” and “Cherokee Shuffle”. Many thanks to Jody King for adding his wonderful banjo virtuosity to this cut as well as his excellent engineering skills to this project.
“Springhill Mine” is another Chris Stuart song. It’s haunting story might very well be true as it is repeated in a number of other mining disaster songs.
Lisa Ashmann and Mark Simos are responsible for “Silver and Gold”, a fun song. It gives very good advice and may very well be the reason Bill and Maggie have been married for so many years!
“Last Train From Poor Valley” was written by Norman Blake and Bill is playing a Norman Blake style guitar for this recording that Bill made. A happy convergence.
We’re pleased to include “Green Pastures”, an old hymn of the church recorded by many in bluegrass and gospel.
“Old Train” is another song about getting old playing havoc with what one can do, a reoccurring theme on this CD.
We end with Mark Brinkman’s “Beyond the Rain”, a song that has blessed us repeatedly and we hope is a blessing to you.
We have again been delighted with the talent of Jody King as our producer, engineer and encourager and Cheri Williams outstanding photography.
Thanks for giving us a listen!
Bill and Maggie Anderson, Woodlawn, VA March 2015

Bill made the bass and guitar he plays on the recording and the dobro Maggie plays.
Jody King made the banjo he is playing.
Engineered, produced & mastered by Jody King
Recorded at After 5 Studio, 2557 Wards Gap Rd.,
Ararat, VA 24053
