Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 5; Violin Concerto

Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 5; Violin Concerto

Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra专辑介绍:Beethoven fans looking for period performances of the composer's two most magnificent concertos will not be disappointed even though they will pay an exhorbitant price for this now out of print CD. As they did in recordings of the Piano Concertos Nos. 1-4 on two other recordings, fortepianist Jos van Immerseel, Tafelmusik and Bruno Weil collaborate on a straightforward performance that is very well recorded. Unlike in his performance of the Concertos Nos. 1 and 2, Immerseel sticks to traditional cadenzas in the "Emporer" and does not lead listeners astray with his own imaginig of what it was like to play this in 1815.

Vera Beths' rendition of Beethoven's Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 61, also accompanied by Tafelmusik and Weil, is performed in a similar vein -- straightforward and without affectation including no egregrious speeds. Beths' violin is not wayward sounding and she is sympathetic to the composer's heroism and romance. Cellist Anner Bylsma, who partners in the trio with Immerseel and Beths, wrote her cadenza for this concerto. It too is in keeping with traditional style.

Like other performances by these artists, Tafelmusik comes off sounding a bit sour in tutti and, by contrast, tuneful and delightfully on key in solo passages. I assume the reason for this is tuning in the strings that gives the orchestra period pitch and strings that offer variably wiry sound. Fans of rich string sound won't like this, but they probably aren't looking for a period performance of this music anyway.

While the CDs of Immerseel performing the Piano Concertos 1 & 2 and 3 & 4 are still avialable for a relatively mild asking price, this CD has become more expensive in recent years. When I bought mine I couldn't find one available in USA and paid a premium in Europe for a used copy. I don't know if Sony plans to reissue these in either a set (which would be preferred) or individual CDs but none are available new today. There are thousands available worldwide but, as you can see the prices listed here are ascending. So if you're interested I suggest you get with it.
