Welcome To The Praise Zone

Welcome To The Praise Zone

Psalm 150:6
Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord.
Praise ye the Lord.

Since April of 1999 ADP (Amos & The Disciples Of Praise) has been characterized as an anointed instrumental gospel jazz group, based in Winston-Salem, NC. It is their mission to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through song, both instrumentally & lyrically. An awesome group with a dynamite smooth jazz/urban sizzle that not only compliments, but uplifts today's gospel music. You will be mesmerized by the sound of the sax accompanied by the fantastic band tones that are often laced with vocal harmonies!
ADP's first CD, "Welcome To The Praise Zone" was released July 21, 2003. It contains a few of gospel music's greatest songs (Wade In The Water, I'm A Soldier, Precious Lord); performed with the flava/smoothness only ADP can deliver. This project also contains original material written, and produced by them that's guaranteed to bless your spirit.

CD Synopsis - "Welcome To The Praise Zone"
1. Praise Zone Prelude

2. I'm A Soldier - An old common congregational tune turned with a smooth jazz undertone, featuring the stellar vocal accompaniment of Peace Of Mind.

3. Wading Intro

4. Wading - "It's all about the Minor Progression"; this short but passionate composition will touch your inner man. It's an emotional melting pot of fear, courage, and freedom.

5. Wade In The Water - An old Negro Spiritual, delivered with urban & jazz undertones.

6. Offering Tyme Intro

7. Offering Tyme - A track that will take you back to church during offering time. As people bop, and boogie their way down the isle of sanctuaries to pay their offerings to the Lord, you've got to have some tight music!

8. Precious Lord - This track will take you back in time, with sounds of the 1950's. With sax, piano, acoustic bass and drums its Musical Purity!

9. I'm Going All The Way - If you are a lover of choir music, this track is for you! Are you going all the way with Jesus?

10. Anointed Abstract - The title speaks for it's self! Its spoken word by Chuck Crouch (aka S.I.L.E.N.T. W.A.R), and ADP music at their best!

11. The Passover - Simply Beautiful...!

12. Praise Zone Intro

13. The Praise Zone - A fusion of rock, metal, and jazz bottled up in an anointed musical zone that is shaken vigorously, and then opened!
