Let's Celebate Christmas Right

Let's Celebate Christmas Right

Karmann and Kompany is an award-winning band based in central Arizona. Karmann Powell is the lead singer, rhythm guitar player and cook for the band. Joe Brokaw plays 5 string bass, Joe Stolpa plays electric/acoustic lead and provides backup vocals. Drummer Darrell Stackhouse rounds out the line up.

"Let's Celebrate Christmas Right" is Karmann and Kompany's 2nd CD project to be released. The first CD, "Sojourn," represents a blend of the many styles each member brings to the mix. Karmann is from a folk/country back ground and has a great love for bluegrass and gospel music. She also is influenced heavily by singer/songwriters and by blues artists. Joe Brokaw is from a classic rock and blues background. With his 5-string bass, brings depth to his intriguing bass lines. Joe Stopla is a master of rock, R&B, as well as blues licks. He brings a intrinsic beauty to those tracks that require a more nuanced approach. Darrell Stackhouse draws from many influences, as well. He studies the techniques of w
