One Thousand Reasons to Stay...One Reason to Leave

One Thousand Reasons to Stay...One Reason to Leave

Paper Moon is a pop band from Winnipeg, Canada. ONE THOUSAND REASONS TO STAY...ONE REASON TO LEAVE is the group's debut full-length. Released in Canada in June 2002, the record hit #5 on the National Campus Radio Charts and collected accolades from press across the country and around the world.

Described as "a perfect dose of perfect pop," (London Scene), the songs on ONE THOUSAND REASONS TO STAY... are "short, sweet, and catchy as hell" (Exclaim Magazine). The album was released on Quince records in Japan in July of 2002.

The musicians in Paper Moon have garnered plenty of attention for their past efforts. Created a few months after the amicable dissolution of the critically-acclaimed Winnipeg pop group B'ehl , Allison Shevernoha and Chris Hiebert (also ex- The Bonaduces ) recruited Heather Campbell (ex-The Electrosonics and Bossanova) to form Paper Moon. Rob Rodgers (A Day In August) joined the band in 2003 to replace original bassist Bob Somers.

Balancing pop tendencies wit
