Merry Christmas I Love You

Merry Christmas I Love You

I\'m just a country girl from eastern KY. I was born & raised here by my grandparents. I learned a ot about life & God from them. I\'ve traveled allot in my time. I\'ve almost been in every state in the USA except for a few exceptions. Too many to write. I did this album with Juanita Ford from Maine. Can you imagine her & I clicking the way we do - with her there in the city & I in the country. But she\'s as honest & just as country as I am, I thank God I met her.

This is my first Christmas cd ever & hers too. We wrote all songs some with other songwriters. I\'ve been writing since I was 13 - like little poems & diddys at the end of my letters to my mom & cards I\'d send my family. They thought that was something else. They couldn\'t believe I did it. I was shy then I didn\'t talk much I guess that\'s why I wrote so much. Many nights I\'d lay with my pen & paper staring out at the sky thinking of what I was going to write. Thoughts would be racing through my mind.

One night at my uncle\'s house I wrote o
