

"I'd been a big fan of jazz ever since being exposed to it in High School by some friends. For the last few years I have dreamed of putting together a group of sharp, talented musicians to make a Jazz album. My dream became a realty after we finished recording the last song 6 months ago at Noise Eater Recordings. The feeling I get every time I listen to "Amigos" is one of pure joy. It always makes me smile to hear some of the little nuances in the tracks, such as the Octoban hits in "The Rain" simulating rain drops. The name "Amigos" was given to the album because of all my friends who came in to help me craft and mold these songs from , without them they would be still probably still just in demo form somewhere on my hard drive!"

"We recorded the last 2 songs of the EP at the Dirt Room in El Cerrito on a Sunday afternoon last year with my friend and former band leader, Michael Chiang. Eric(of The Cohesion) was there with us to do "Please Dont Hurt". Deciding a very simple, straight forward groove would be a
