A Song for You and Me

A Song for You and Me

This is track 9 of our album "Entre-Nous" and it's a completely new composition.
Well, not completely new. The lyrics are based on lyrics from 2010.
As usual, the cover art for all songs from "Entre-Nous" are treatments of the same photo done by Steven Graff.
Since "Entre-Nous" revolves around different types of relationships, this one involves someone I'd lost touch with who passed away before I could complete the circle.
I spent a semester with her in a scriptwriting class. She was from Canada, and left to go back to her ailing mother when the semester was over. That was 1989. We wrote a bit, but then lost touch. 19 years later I learned she had passed on.
She was very instrumental in my life, and I owe her a lot of gratitude, and was looking forward to showing her what I'd done thanks to her encouragement, but alas.
My father told me once that a person is never really "gone" until no one remembers them. I will never forget her, or that embrace (the first for me from ANY girl that wasn't an aunt), or that s


